Does it snow in Texas?

When we think about Texas, we think about delicious food (specially barbeque and buffalo wings), we think about the big stadiums, about the cowboys and about the high temperatures this state experience almost every day of the year.

However, when we think about Texas, we don’t usually think about snow, or snow days. Which is why answering whether or not it snows in Texas is going to be a fun and interesting thing to explain.





Big Bend National Park


Davis Mountains


3 inches


    ❄ Does it snow in Texas?

    ⛅ Climate of Texas

    As you might have guessed it, Texas is a pretty hot and humid state. Like we just said, it experiences very high temperatures throughout the whole year, however there are some exceptions, but we will get into that later on.

    The very first thing you should know is that yes, Texas can get super hot, but to be honest, their climate varies a lot depending on where you are standing right now. Some parts might be a bit hotter, and others might be a bit colder.

    However, you could said Texas’ main climate is arid, with a bit of places leaning more towards the humid type of climate. Either way, these are the two main climates you can expect to experience while in the state.

    There’s an easy way to identify which part of Texas is actually humid and even subtropical, and which one is simply an arid, desert like climate, and it is by dividing the state into two parts.

    One that lies below the Interstate 35 and one that is just above this highway. You see, basically all the regions that are located to the east of the Interstate 35 tend to have a much more subtropical weather.

    Now, all the regions and cities that are located below the Interstate 35 experience a much hotter weather, meaning an almost arid, desert like climate that is incredibly hot.

    This is incredibly important to know, because the part of the state that is located east of the Interstate 35 tend to experience much more tropical cyclones, hurricanes or tropical cyclones every year.

    Not only that, but they also tend to have very heavy rainfalls (even when there’s no tropical cyclone threatens the state). Meanwhile, the other half of Texas doesn’t really have to deal with these problems at all.

    Now, it must be hard to imagine such a state as Texas, with two climates that are either humid or simply arid, that it might get to snow there. But the truth is, it does snow in Texas.

    Like we previously stated, Texas is a state that has many different sub climates all over their territory, and depending where you are, you might get to experience the beauty of snowfalls in Texas! 

    🌨 When does it snow in Texas?

    Yes, we’ve already talked about that some places in Texas get to experience snowfalls (we will tell you which places are these later on, don’t worry), but now it is time to know when does it snow in Texas.

    Since this huge and beautiful state experience severe differente subclimates, most of them being extremely hot, you couldn’t expect snow to fall down during summer, could you?

    That’s why, much like it happens in the rest of the country, it only snows during winter time. You see, Texas has four seasons in total (at least in the subtropical area, not including the arid one).

    These seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Of course, the hottest temperatures only happen during the summer time, similarly as to how the coldest temperatures only happen during the winter time.

    That being said, it only snows during the winter time, which if course, it is when the snow season happens. Now, if you are wondering when is their snow season, well, let us tell you.

    Winter season starts on December and it ends in mid February, almost March. As to snow season, it happens during January and the first weeks of February, which is when the temperature gets even colder.

    It is very rare to experience snowfall during December, so if you are wondering whether does it snow during Christmas or not, the safe answer is no. It doesn’t snow during Christmas time.

    To sum it up, it does snow in Texas, winter season happens from December to February, snow season happens from January to February and it doesn’t snow during Christmas time.

    🌨 Where does it snow in Texas?

    If you remember what we talked about earlier, Texas has very different climates depending on the region, which is why it doesn’t snow everywhere as you would expect, but rather in some cities.

    The northern and western regions of the state are the ones that get to experience snow during the winter time. Some experience very heavy snowfall, and some just a few inches of snow.

    Does it snow in Texas?
    Snow in El Paso (Texas). Flickr.

    The Big Bend National Park, for example, is one of those places that get to experience several inches of snow every year, turning the mountains and the road nearby completely white.

    There’s also Lubbock and the Davis Mountains, which don’t necessarily experience way too much snow, but you can still get a good glimpse of it during the colder days.

    Of course, we can’t forget the big city of Dallas, which turns white during the winter. It is one of the few Texas cities that get to experience no only rain, but also snow.

    How much does it snow in Texas?

    Although it does snow in Texas, the truth is it doesn’t get that many inches of snow as you would expect. Yes, they have had some very heavy snowfalls, getting to see up to 22 inches of snow overnight, but that doesn’t happen as often as you might think.

    In average, Texas experience an average of 3 inches of snow. If the temperatures drop severely, you could expect for a good 12 inches, although that’s a bit unlikely.

    Skiing in Texas

    Sadly, there aren’t enough snow-covered mountains in Texas for there to be ski resorts. However, if you are from Texas or are visiting, here are some pretty amazing places for skiing that are pretty close to the state!


    Everyone, specially celebrities, love skiing in Aspen. Located in Colorado, these mountains are the perfect destination for those who want to ski around but also just have some fun in the snow.


    This one is also located in Colorado, and is one of the most beautiful places you’ll ever see. These huge mountains get covered in snow every year, offering a great place to ski, snowboard and just play snow fights with your family during the winter vacations!

    Steamboat springs

    You might think the cowboy life and the snowy mountains don’t really match well together, but you were wrong, and this place is living proof! Trust us, you will love these mountains and the little town that is just nearby just as much!

    And that’s it! Go on, go explore Texas during the winter time! Have fun playing in the snow and dare to travel just a little bit outside the state to get to ski in the most beautiful mountains ever!
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